Metacognitive Study Techniques!

Wait. Meta? Like the Metaverse?

that feeling when you're confuzzeled

Nah, meta just means "beyond", like looking at something from the outside in. It can also mean being self-aware and self-referential.

So metacognition just means thinking about thinking :0

Pretty wild, huh?

Well, turns out there are some pretty cool ways to harness it :P like with study techniques.

So, who doesn't want to get better at studying?

Consider these techniques:(1):

These all sound kinda familiar, right? You've probably heard of a few before, and if not, it's a great time to pick one up!

A few other techniques were tested, but they weren't as effective, such as: depending on highlighting and marking up the text only. Study methods need to be interactive for the material to stick. Another thing to note is that all these techniques take time and practice. Don't freak out if it doesn't work the first time. Patience and diligence are the keys—the same with any new task ~

How exactly does one read a textbook then?

One study (2) found that comprehension is best assessed when someone can regurgitate information without copying what they just read word for word. It's helpful to think of it like trying to teach a classroom on the exam you're studying for. Chances are, if you can coherently explain the concept without looking back at the textbook, you understand the material well.

Another neat tip might just to be to read more. Even though some texts are hard, it's even harder to get better at reading them without trying.

Ask questions! Quiz yourself! Try to predict what the next few pages will talk about!

studying studying studying

Doesn't this all just come back to more practice?

Pretty much, so why not give it a shot? See if you ace your next exam with these techniques.